Theodore Roosevelt Expressway
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State Gets $55M Grant for Highway 85
Supports Four-Lane from Long X Bridge to Hwy 200

The funding will be used to four-lane about 13 miles of the highway between the Long X Bridge and the junction with Highway 200. The project will not cover the entire stretch south of the bridge, according to NDDOT Director of Planning Chad Orn. He said the project does not include the 6.5 miles immediately south of the bridge. Orn said it also does not include plans for construction of a roundabout at the junction of Hwy 85 and 200 (see map). We are continuing to work on the final design, right of ways, utility relocations, and permitting for that segment. We are also continuing our discussions and work on the study requested by the Legislature on how to fund the complete build out of US 85 all the way to I-94, and this segment will be included in that study. See Map Below

The Theodore Roosevelt Expressway Association and the Ports to Plains Alliance are recognized as High Priority Corridor Nationally. We will continue to work towards funding the corridor through State and Federal funding avenues to completion.

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